tatooine_doofus Feb 29, 2008 17:10
traumatraumatrauma, hoth *blows*, i should have a bad feeling about this, being a big damn hero, being home, desert boys don't like the cold
tatooine_doofus Feb 05, 2008 22:52
i'm so confused, i should have a bad feeling about this, jedi-ness, desert boys don't like the cold, men in masks freak me out, dooooooooooooom, like i didn't have *enough* issues
tatooine_doofus Oct 30, 2006 09:27
peter pevensie, lyra, isabel, rory, aeryn, desert boys don't like the cold, swimming, classes, astronomy, i'm so confused, molly, jedi-ness, john, i miss my daddy, woe